Flyers are used for almost all types of advertising. Flyers are the right tool to direct customers to you. If you want to leave an advertising message, inform about a service that you provide, or publish an event, a flyer is what you need. They are put in mailboxes, sent by post, distributed on the street, in bars, shopping centers, cafes, clubs, etc. Compared to other types of printed promotional material, flyers and leaflets are one of the most affordable and common types of advertising material on the market. Due to the affordable cost of production and short delivery times, flyers are the most suitable means of advertising. One of the conditions is that the print must be visually attractive, high-quality and clear. The printing quality and the right choice of paper will play a key role. Flyers and leaflets are printed in various formats and on various types of paper. The choice of paper, design and format are key factors that affect to the flyer appearance, as well as its effectiveness, which depends on the impression it will leave on the client. A well-designed flyer will attract attention and achieve its purpose, whether it’s an advertisement, sale, notification or something else.