Boutique bags or promotional bags are made of high-density polyethylene film. Thanks to this, boutique bags guarantee quality, strength and durability. They can be with a reinforced and banana handle. As the name implies, in addition to their main function, these bags are also used and served for promotional purposes, that is, to advertise your brand, company, firm, etc. In addition to being used as advertising material for companies and firms, they are also used by boutiques, jewelers, shops, supermarkets, etc. Like suspenders, boutique bags attract attention with their design, so it is important to choose the perfect design that will serve your advertising and contribute to a better impression of your company. As for the printed design, by agreement we print your logo, address, phone number, website, email in digital printing, as well as everything that is useful for your advertising. Boutique bags also offer a choice of sizes, colors and thicknesses.